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SkyX Webinar: Achieving PHMSA Compliance in the New Digital Era
Tuesday, October 27, 2020, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM MDT
Category: Webinar

SkyX Webinar: Achieving PHMSA Compliance in the New Digital Era

Tuesday, October 27th, 2:00 - 3:00 pm EST

With the implementation of the PHMSA Mega Rule, pipeline operators are now responsible for performing comprehensive record updates and more asset inspections than ever.

Meanwhile, new proposed rulemakings are already in the works to encourage further digitization of pipeline safety management systems.

Ultimately, PHMSA wants operators to capture, analyze, and integrate data in a way that allows them to predict and prevent pipeline failures.

In this webinar, you will learn how aerial data platforms - that leverage advanced AI-driven analytics and autonomous UAVs - can help you bridge your compliance gaps while unlocking new value in your pipeline integrity management program:

  •  Reducing cost, labor, and downtime in the field with autonomous systems
  •  Building predictive analytics to enable preventative maintenance
  •  Creating a living breathing record of your asset with real-time visual data
  •  Improving coordination between internal and external stakeholders through digital platforms


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